Creating and Copying Surveys and Files

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The Editor has the ability to create and manipulate surveys and files. The Project Manager also has the ability to manipulate projects, files and surveys, but it manipulates them at a higher level and it manipulates them more comprehensively. As a result, if you are making major changes or reorganizing your data, you will probably want to do most of the work from the Project Manager. Here is a description of the options available in the Editor:


1. Creating A New Survey and A New File. To create a new survey and a new file, select the "File|New File" option from the menu bar. This will close any files that are already open and clear the editor for a new file. Now go to the "Select Survey" page and click on the "New Survey" button. This will bring up the "Create New Survey" window. Simply enter the name of the new survey and click on the OK button. This will create a new survey. When you have finished entering data into the new survey, select "File|Save File As" from the menu bar. This will save the current survey to a new file.


2. Creating A New Survey In An Existing File. Begin by opening the existing file with the "File|Open File" option on the menu bar. Click on the "New Survey" button. This will bring up the "Create New Survey" window. Simply enter the name of the new survey and click on the OK button. This will create a new survey. When you have finished entering data into the new survey, select "File|Save Current File" from the menu bar. This will save the current survey at the end of the existing file. You can then enter survey data into this new survey.


3. Saving An Existing File With A New Name. You can copy the data from an existing file into a new file by using the "File|Save File As" option from the menu bar. You do this by simply saving it with a new filename. Thus, you have two files with the same data. The first is the original file and the second is the newly saved file. To do this, you begin by opening an existing file, then you use the "Save File As" option to save it with a different name.


4. Saving An Existing Survey Into A New File. You can copy a single individual survey from an existing file to a new file. Begin by opening the existing file with the "File|Open File" option on the menu bar. Now select the survey by double clicking on the survey name in the list. The name will then appear in the "Working Survey" window in the lower right corner. Now click on the "Read Survey" button. Finally select "File|Save Current Survey" from the menu bar. This will save the current survey to a new file.


5. Copying An Existing Survey To A Different File. You can copy an individual survey from an existing file to a different file. Begin by opening the first file with the "File|Open File" option on the menu bar. Now select the survey by clicking on the survey name in the list. The name will then appear in the "Working Survey" window in the lower right corner. Now click on the "Read Survey" button. Next, select the "File|Add To Survey To File" option on the menu bar. This will allow you to select a different file that the survey will be copied to. After you have selected the file, the Editor will attach the current survey to the end of the new file.


Remember that if you want to do more complex manipulating of surveys; use the “Manipulate Surveys” option in the Project Manager.