Station Item Page

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Page 5. Station Items. The tools on this page allows you to block modify survey stations.


A. Station Names. This item allows you replace one station name with another throughout one or more surveys in a file. In order for the option to be active, the checkbox at the top of the section must be checked. There are two steps for activating this option:


1. Enter Station To Find. You should enter the name of station you wish to replace in Station To Find box. As you do this, the program will display all the places in the survey where this station name can be found. This allows you to see which specific stations will be replaced. (Note: the program displays all locations in all surveys in the file even if you've only selected a few surveys.)



2. Enter Replace With. Now you should enter the name of the new station name you want to use as a replacement in the Replace With box. As you do this, the program will display all the places in the survey where this new name is found. In many instances, you don't want to replace the stations with ones that already exist, so you should pay close attention to any instances that are found. (Note: the program displays all locations in all surveys in the file even if you've only selected a few surveys.)



B. Stations Prefix/Posfix. The second option on the page allows you to modify Station Names for a block of surveys. In order for the option to be active, the checkbox at the top of the section must be checked. There are four basic operations that can be preformed on Station Names. (Note: you can modify station names for narrow range of shots using the Repair Options.)


1. Add Prefix. This operation adds a “Prefix” to each station name. You specify the Prefix in the “Prefix/Postfix” box. The Prefix is added to the front of each station name. For example, if your prefix were “XY”, the station name “P21” would become “XYP21”.


2. Add Postfix. This operation is identical to “Add Prefix” item except that the characters are added to the end of the station name.


3. Remove Prefix. This operation removes characters from the beginning of each station name. The number of characters to be removed is specified in the “Chars To Remove” box. For example, if the “Chars To Remove” were 2, the station name “XYZ21” would become “Z21”.


4. Remove Postfix. This operation is identical to “Remove Prefix” except that the characters are removed from the end of the Station Name.


Modifying The Data. When you have finished setting up the operations on all the pages that you want to carryout, simply press the OK button and the data will be modified. To abort the operation, press the Cancel button.