Processing With Flags

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Flags control the way the Compiler and Loop Closer process each individual shot in a survey file. You can set the flags for each shot in the survey editor. Sometimes it is useful to turn off the effect of the flags without actually removing them from the survey file. This option allows you to do that. When flags are turned off, the compiler processes the cave as though no flags existed in the file. Enabling this option causes both the Loop Closer and Compiler to use the shot flags as they process data.


Shot Flags. Each flag can effect the Loop Closer and Compiler differently. Currently, there are four recognized flags. Here is a detailed explanation of the function of each flag and how it effects the Loop Closer and Compiler:


1. L - Exclude A Shot From Length Calculations. Since the Compiler accumulates most statistics, this flag causes the Compiler to ignore the shot when it calculates survey and cave lengths. It has no effect on any other operations.


2. P - Exclude A Shot From Being Plotted. This flag causes a shot to be processed normally in every other respect, except that it is not sent to the plot file. This can be used for creating plots that don't include things like surface surveys. The flag is used by the Compiler, but not the Loop Closer.


3. C - Exclude A Shot From Closure. This flag excludes a shot from any adjustments during the loop closure process. The shot is processed normally in every other respect. This is used to lock down high accuracy surveys, so that they don't get changed or degraded by the closure process. This can be used for theodolite or other precision surveys. This flag is used by the Loop Closer and not by the Compiler.


4. X - Total Exclusion. This flag excludes a shot from any processing. It is as though the shot doesn't exist. You can exclude a shot from any and all processing. This is useful for things like breaking defective loops and excluding redundant data. Both the Loop Closer and Compiler use this flag.