Edit Tool

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The Edit Tool is a general purpose editor with many features that you would find in a program like Paint, plus specialized tools just for editing sketch-maps.


To access the Edit tool, you simply push the the "Edit Button" on the Main Window. The image you are working on will be transferred to the Editor.


Edit Window. The Edit window consists of several sections, each with its own function:

Tool Bar.



Left Panel

The Left Panel has six tools for editing sketches. Each tool is selected by depressing a button at the top of the panel. When a tool is selected, the bottom half of the panel displays the options available for that tool. Here is a detailed description of each tool.


Scale Tool

Trim Tool

Rotate Tool

Flood/Color Fill

Pen Tool

Magnifying Bar



The menu contains more specialized tools for manipulating the image. Here is a detailed description of each:


Gaussian Blur

Image Enhancement

Flip/Rotate Tool

Set Size




