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Using Compass with A Macintosh and Linux
Compass is written specifically for Microsoft Windows, so it won't run directly on a Macintosh or Linux. There are however some tricks that may allow you to use Compass on a Mac or Linux. Since I don't own a Mac, I haven't tested any of these approaches, but I don't see any reason why they won't work.

Getting Windows. Most of the methods described below require that you get a copy of Windows to run on your Mac. This is not too expensive if you go through EBay. Any version of Windows from Windows 2000 through Windows 7 should work, but to keep expenses and hassles lows, I would probably go with Windows XP, 32-bit, Service Pack-3. I see them offered on EBay for around $30 to $50.

1. Boot Camp.  This option only applies to Macintoshes. Boot Camp is a program that allows a Macintosh "dual-boot" into either the Mac OS or Windows. This means only one operating system can run on the computer at a time. As such, while Windows is running, it can run at full speed and access all the capabilities of the computer hardware. Here are links to information about Boot Camp:

2. Virtual Machines.
This option can be used with either Linux or Macintosh computers. It creates a special separate environment on the computer called a Virtual Machine. The Virtual Machine runs under the Mac OS and so, in effect, both operating systems are running at the same time and you can access either operating system at any time. The down side is that Windows may run slightly slower and may not be able to access all the hardware features of the computer. This is probably not a problem for Compass, since it doesn't need access any fancy hardware, but you might not be able to access devices like drawing tables or scanners from Windows.

There are several companies that make Virtual Machine software for the Mac and Linux.

3. Windows Emulation. With this option, a special program running on the Mac or Linux simulates the Windows operating system environment. Since it is simulating Windows, you don't actually need a copy of Windows to make it run. Also the most widely used version is free. On the down side, the software will run considerably slower, although computers are so fast these days, that you probably won't notice a difference with most program. The biggest down side is compatibility. Because the emulator has to match every single standard Windows subroutine exactly right, there is a high risk that you will encounter compatibility problems. Here is a link to the most popular emulator, which is called "Wine."

Wine Bottler

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