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COMPASS Credit Card Ordering and Registration

Credit Card Registration. To make ordering and registration easier, you can now place orders and register using standard  credit cards. This will make it much easier for people outside the United States to order or register. Fountain Computer is PayPal Verified, which means that you can verify that we are valid PayPal provider. Click on the icon to the right for further information. Official PayPal Seal

Options Menu. Registration and purchase options are listed below. Each COMPASS registration option and CD order option has an icon next to it. You just click the appropriate icon and you will be led through the purchasing process. Special Prices. To simplify the registration and ordering process, I am offering a simplified price schedule for credit card orders. If you order by credit card, you can take advantage of reduced pricing on some packages. More complex packages  and options are available if you are willing to register by mail.
PayPal. Registration is through PayPal, an extremely secure and convenient system. PayPal is more secure than ordinary credit card transactions, because nobody but PayPal sees your credit card numbers or banking information. Click here for more detailed information about PayPal.

Other Registration Information and Options

Registration and Purchase Menu

Items - Individual Options Cost Click Here
Basic Registration. COMPASS For Windows Registration. Does not include CD. $25.00
Combined Registration For All Products (Includes all COMPASS products including Window, DOS, Database, DEM Reader and CaveX. A $70 value. You save $30). Does not include CD. $40.00
Important Note: Please enter your shipping address in the PayPal form so your registration materials can be shipped to you.
CD-ROM - With Individual Registration (For new users - $86 Value - Save $36) $50.00
+ $5 shipping
CD-ROM Update - For registered users. For already registered individuals, institutions, businesses and agencies. $28.00
+ $5 shipping
Items -  Business and Institutional Options
Institutional Registration. For  clubs, businesses, institutions, and government agencies. Includes all COMPASS products including Window, DOS, Database, DEM Reader and CaveX. A $82 value. You save $32. Does not include CD. $50.00
CD-ROM. With Institutional Registration (For clubs, businesses, institutions, and government agencies $110 value - Save $25) $85.00
+ $5 shipping
Annual Subscriptions. The Subscription Program is designed institutions, government agencies and business that require individual support, special features, custom data conversion and other unique services. $250 per year
Special orders. For special orders, group orders, subscription programs and institutional projects, you can pay irregular amounts by credit card by clicking on the graphic to the right. For further information contact me here: Compass Contact Page
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